Thank you for exploring ways to get involved with Coastline Women’s Center. Our volunteers are on the front line of the services we offer, and we rely on and value their contributions immensely. We have the privilege of sharing God’s love, compassion and truth with the women and men who come here.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please apply using the online form linked below.
Note: At the end of the form, it will ask you to submit $30 via PayPal; this covers our training and background check fees. Scholarships can be made available; please email volunteer@coastlinewomenscenter.org for more information.
There are many ways you can help us raise money to serve the community:
- Make personal appeals to private organizations, churches, and businesses.
- Support our annual fundraising banquet.
- Participate in other fundraising events.
- Have your church or small group sponsor our baby bottle campaign.
- Have your church support us as part of their monthly outreach mission.
* Please contact us with your unique fundraising ideas.
Current areas to serve
Abagail’s Closet (Baby Boutique)
Meet with moms to encourage them throughout their pregnancy, and after, distributing diapers, maternity clothes, and other baby items donated to the center for their use.
Abortion Recovery Assistance
Meet with post-abortive women in a structured Bible study designed to promote healing and forgiveness.
Building and Grounds
Also known as HANDYMAN! We often have odd jobs that need attention. Many times these include some light painting, small repair, or other small tasks around the Center. If you are skilled in a specific area and are willing to lend your services, please contact us and let us know. We keep a list of facility helpers and will contact you if a need arises. Yard work, painting, window washing, a/c filter changing – opportunities abound!
Ambassador/Public Relations Liaison
As an ambassador you may be an advocate for Coastline Women’s Center within your church. You will present Coastline Women’s Center as a local mission opportunity, keep your church community informed of ways to partner with Coastline Women’s Center, and encourage your church family to become involved.
Clerical & Administrative
Come for a few hours weekly to help out or be part of our team. Tasks may include data entry, general office work, making copies, filing, helping with mail-outs, keeping our Center neat and clean, organizing brochures, forms, baby items, etc.
Male Counselor
When partners accompany clients to the center, our male counselors engage them in discussion, encouraging them in the Biblical model of fatherhood.
Options Counseling & Mentoring
Reach out to women and men in crisis pregnancies with the mercy and compassion of Jesus Christ by offering accurate information about their options (abortion, adoption, parenting), practical assistance, and referrals.
Parenting Classes
Coastline Women’s Center offers helpful pregnancy, parenting, life skill or discipleship classes. Volunteers will facilitate the classes and meet with the clients in an individual setting and group classes.
Prayer Partner
Volunteers that come to our center and pray with our staff as we start our day and the needs of the organization.